The process of commissioning is a tool for optimizing the energy performance of the buildings. The process ensures that all building systems perform according to contract documents, the design intent and Owner’s operational needs. This systematic approach is used for new construction and major renovation. It typically includes HVAC, controls, lighting, hot water, security, fire, and life safety systems.
The process starts during design phase with the preparation of commissioning Plan (Cx Plan). Cx plan incorporates owner’s requirements, design basis, documents requirements, systems to be commissioned, procedures, checklists, team responsibilities, and schedules.
The Cx process continues in construction phase and includes submittal reviews, completion of installation check lists, review of test reports, and field quality control. The next step consists of startup and testing of components and systems, and finally functional and performance checkout systems and subsystems. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) training and record keeping are important part of the Cx process. All the records related to Cx process are incorporated in Commissioning Manual such as record drawings, O&M manuals, record drawings, commissioning report, commissioning plan and records, and warranties including any deferred testing.